Your Growth Journey Has No Finish Line

Growing on Purpose Academy has 9 Modules, each with a series of lessons designed to help you:

how your "thinking" is impacting your "doing"

the Five Recurring Phases of Growth

you to get out of your comfort zone
The Success Path

Apply this simple template to any growth situation

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Preparing the Soil
Preparing the environment of your mind so growth is possible
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Planting the Seed

Sowing the seed of thought that change... does not equal growth

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Living the Law of Gender

Not understanding this, can keep you stuck and not growing or even worse... make you want to stop

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Be Aware How You Compare
Learn the difference between and impact of "destructive" versus "constructive" comparison
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Shrinking The Iceberg

Discover how your unconscious mind is controlling more than you may realize

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Putting up a Fence

Four strategies for building a "mind fence" between you and your fears

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Train Your Brain
Examine how you play the role of teacher and surgeon when it comes to your own brain
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Taking Stock

Explore the powerful ramifications of what you overestimate and underestimate

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Begin Your Purposeful  Growth Journey
Personal growth is a journey no one can take for you or... from you. 
Ready to grow? Start now!
"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily."
~ John C Maxwell

This will help you make that change!
Growing on Purpose Academy
Weekly Content
Reflecting Questions
Email Reminders
No Overwhelm

Consistent Progress
Positive Results

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Completing the Academy is Simple and Easy
Engaging Weekly Content to Consume
Options of: Video | Audio | Transcript 
Weekly Reminder Emails
Handouts with Thought Provoking Questions
NO Sense of Overwhelm... Just Powerful, Consistent Growth

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Doubt increases with inaction.

Clarity reveals itself in momentum.

Growth comes from progress.

For all these reasons, BEGIN!

~ Brendon Burchard
